Fractured transcendence
Passion Project 2025
In response to the ongoing erosion of transgender rights in America, I created this series of black and white portraits to visually capture the emotional realities of the LGBTQ+ community. I hope these portraits resonate with viewers and deepen their understanding of trans identities being at risk.
- Kristina Bozanich

Trans Feminine Helicopter Technician
"My existence is resistance. With the ever-increasing hate growing towards my community my goal is to be more visible and louder and to also strengthen my friendships within my community to help fight for our basic human rights."

Trans Masculine Bartender
“Growing up, I wasn’t surrounded by diversity. Gender was never a conversation—it was an expectation. I was told to wear a dress because I was a "girl," so I wore a dress. I followed the script that was handed to me, even when it didn’t feel right. But a few years ago, I decided to take a stand for myself, to stop fitting into a mold that wasn’t mine. That’s when I discovered Sawyer—my name, my truth, my identity. Embracing who I truly am has brought me a sense of happiness and authenticity I never knew was possible.”

Jeremy Rodriguez
Nonbinary Political Campaign Manager
"What makes a person who they are? Is it their skills, their lineage? No! It is their heart and soul. I am a Non-Binary individual, and no one can erase my heart or who I am. I pour that love into my community and fight tirelessly, from the halls of Congress to the streets for justice and equality. My existence is my power, and my resolve for humanity is unbreakable."

Amelia Burgos
Trans Feminine Development Leader
“I have lived a full life I was a spouse, a soldier, a parent, a successful logistician. I had “it all” but something was always missing, something did not allow to love and live for myself. It’s that while I had all the makings of a perfect life, it was always someone else’s. I was living under the expectations of others, scared to live as I saw; as a woman. Transitioning finally allowed me to break free, to truly love my self and as a result love and care for those in my life even better. My identity is a miracle, my being here is a blessing, being able to accept and exist as a trans woman is a cause for celebration. Celebration for each and everyone of us who chose our selves… who chose life. I am so thankful to be here today, to be here fighting for LGBTQ rights with Equality Florida everyday. To hopefully be a voice of change for all queer identities, to let them know they belong and they are loved!”

willow carlson
Trans Feminine Retired Air Force Veteran
"Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 'Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it'. This quote typically means many people rush and don't stop to appreciate the beauty or finer things in life. Normally, that is true. But, for me, and possibly others in the community, I feel that the world looks at us and perceives only what they've been told to believe. They don't stop and see the beauty within. The kindness. The people that just live their lives as they've always been. Most of us just live our lives amongst everyone else, just beautiful souls amongst the many. We're the flowers in the meadow, stop and see us."

& Willow
“Having a partner that can both relate and sympathize in these tough times has been a blessing. Together, we have stepped up our visibility and resistance, and together, we will help each other through these challenging times.”

Valeria Miranda Aviles
Nonbinary Artist
"Being queer, although it comes with many hardships, is magical. Escaping the boundaries of the binary saved my life and revealed a world filled with genuine love and freedom. I am confident in the fact that I never knew real authenticity until I allowed myself to seek for it beyond the box I grew up in. It allows me to present myself differently from a day to day basis and through my constant change of self-expression I’ve been able to surround myself with people who are nothing less than open minded and accepting of my identity. Trans joy is not only an act of resistance but a constant reminder of the love and strength we have within us. We are valid, we will NEVER be erased, and we will ALWAYS be part of the collective past, present and future."